

Palak Mata Pita Yojana All Details

There Yojana is no other option like family for the healthy and balanced most development of children. However, due to how can some adverse circumstances, it is not possible for orphaned you have children to be brought up in their natural family, so alternatively they are brought up in do want institutions for their children.

Meet According to the sociological point of view, the institution is the only last resort for the child. Therefore, instead of keeping such All most destitute orphans in an institutional environment, keeping them in an alternative then you have family and raising them in a natural environment can went lead to their healthy and balanced development.

Palak Mata Pita Yojana All Details:- 

Palak Mata Pita Yojana Terms of the plan:- 

All most Beneficiaries taken by foster parents for upbringing should be placed in Anganwadi for then you have children aged 6 to 8 years and compulsory schooling should be imparted to children above do want 6 years of age. Assistance will be most Yojana stopped if the child's study is stopped.

The Palak Mata Pita Yojana certificate of the program officer of ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme) for the children going to Anganwadi and the certificate of the principal of the Palak Mata Pita Yojana school for the children going to school has to be submitted by 15th July every year.

A certified Palak Mata Pita Yojana example of the death of the child's parents must be submitted. If Most then you have the child's mother is remarried and the child goes to live with the mother, the assistance will be stopped.

A sample Palak Mata Pita Yojana application form can be downloaded from the department's website https://sje.gujarat.gov.in/dsd or available free of cost Do want at the nearest Children's Home / District Social Security Officer's Office / District Child Protection Officer's Office. Palak Mata Pita Yojana If the application is approved, the assistance will be available from the cant will be month of application.

The Palak Mata Pita Yojana implementation of this scheme is to be done by the Superintendent of  you have Children's Homes at the district level.

In the district where the children's home is not Yojana functioning, the form of the scheme will be accepted and further action will be taken by the district All child protection unit. And the Palak Mata Pita Yojana District Social Security Officer will be responsible for payment.

Children Palak Mata Pita Yojana who are benefiting from any other similar state or central scheme will not be eligible for this scheme. This amount has You have to be paid to the beneficiary's account by direct payment (DBT) method do want to me of account pay check. Such foster parents or you hvant will be approved close relatives i.e. the beneficiary will have to open his / her joint name Open the account with the child's name in the bank / post office.

Document Require Palak Mata Pita Yojana:- 
➤Sample of child's date of birth, Aadhaar card, two passport size photos
➤Photo with the child's foster parents
➤Income Entry
➤Examples of death of mother and father
➤Copy of child's bank passbook
➤Example of a child's ongoing study (school principal)
➤Aadhar card, election card, ration card of foster mother or foster father

Important Link:-

Palak Mata Pita Yojana Form: Click here

Official Website: Click Here

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